Copper Orgone Torus on Canvas


Let this Flower of Life flow into your room and harmonize the energy. This work reminds our deep subconscious of our powerful beginnings. This specially designed copper artwork can harmonize the vibration of an entire room. 

Size 16X20

Made to order with colored background if desired.

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Copper Orgone Torus on Canvas

Copper Orgone Torus on Canvas with Center Aluminum Torus

Let this Copper Orgone Torus on Canvas flow into your room, and calm and harmonize the energy. In the center is a separate aluminum torus, providing double the power! On the back is a small neodymium magnet. This specially designed copper artwork can harmonize the vibration of an entire room. This piece, with its colors and shapes, adds a touch of high frequency to any room in the house. It’s kaleidoscope – like appearance will have you staring at it, or meditating on it. After awhile it begins to move!

The colors of this piece, blue and purple, inspire and foster communication and higher wisdom in our daily lives. Use this piece to activate the throat energy center to improve communication, or to activate the crown energy center, improving wisdom and connection to the source. 

The torus shape is the same shape of the energy field that surrounds our bodies. Hanging this in a room can contribute to feeling centered and calm. In today’s world it seems we just can’t have enough around us to remind us of the peace and calm that we truly are in essence.

This copper on art canvas is a powerful display of frequency harmonization. The copper is first wound together, then added to the canvas in the this sacred shape. 

Size 12X12

Copper Orgone Torus on Canvas can also be made to order with custom colored background if desired.


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