Adho Mukha Svanasana -Downward Facing Dog

For Adho Mukha Svanasana -Downward Facing Dog, begin in  Standing Forward Bend, bring both hands down to the mat.  Step the feet toward the back of the mat, pressing into the hips and pushing down into the palms. Spread the shoulders wide while keeping the neck relaxed or neutral.  Press the heels down toward the mat.  Walk the feet, pressing down the heals for a greater stretch in the calves.  Breathe in while pressing the hips and tailbone to the ceiling, exhale roll the shoulders out and relax the posture.  ​


Adho Mukha Svanasana -Downward Facing Dog strengthens hands arms and wrists, and stretches and strengthens lower back, calves, and achilles tendon. The pose strengthens bone density by placing weight on the arms and shoulders. Down dog can help with back pain. In addition, it helps circulation due to the head being below the heart. This pose can be used as a buffer between poses during practice, giving students a chance to relax and catch their breath. In addition this posture can be used as a beginning point to get into just about any posture in yoga. This is why down dog is so popular in yoga!

Be the master of your body….Down Dog!