Divided We Fall – Let Us Unite

Divided We Fall – Let us Unite

Never before in history has there been a time when people are more likely to have, and express, an opinion than now. With so much at stake, it is only normal that, as human beings who are attempting to survive, we would be prompted to grasp for control of our future. The reality we see in front of us is more polarized, more charged, than any time in recent history. It is more clear than ever that divided we fall.

We are currently living what will forever be a historically important event. The choices we make now will define us and define our future in ways that we cannot even understand yet. And yet, will our humanity, our humility, our compassion, and our love for our fellow human beings survive this test? 

Only we can decide.Divided we fall

The captain of a ship may not like his first mate, but in a storm they must work together to get the ship to shore. Members of a sports team may not agree on how to behave, or what to wear, or political ideals, but all of that disappears when the team comes together to play the game.  You may not like all of the people you work with, but you put your differences aside to get the job done.

What Team are You On?

Now this next part is not meant to be a, “we’re in this together” statement. Clearly we are all facing the same issues from different perspectives, but it boils down deeper than that. In order to be united we must seek our commonalities as opposed to our differences. One commonality we have, is simply being human!

In this human role, we are all on the same team. It is team Survival! We all have the same goal, which is to survive and thrive. That goal embraces feelings of freedom, love, happiness, support and being cared about. We want our children to grow up in a world that is safe and comfortable. We want to be well, healthy and to have enough. 

The Chain of Success to Achieving our Goal to Unite

Getting to our goal, achieving our goal, is an entirely different subject. How can we unite to succeed? United we are strong.  There seem to be some links missing in the understanding chain regarding how we go about achieving success. The feelings and material items we want, are, by the way, our right, just for being here. What are these broken links? And how can we fix them?

There are a couple of key principles we can visit in order to re-link the chain of understanding:

Competition and Lack Mentality – A Break in the Link

First, there is lack mentality. Because another has something, does not mean it is taken away from us. The government recently printed trillions of dollars. Whether that was the appropriate solution is open for debate, but the point is that the universe is an infinite supply of everything. We will never run out! There is always enough for everyone who believes there is enough. We have infinite source inside of us. What else could be more clear? There is nothing that can keep us from having those things we desire – except ourselves! 

The world is not a pie in which another takes a piece that should have belonged to us. The world is an infinite source of ingredients, in which any pie can be made over and over again. You having, does not negate my ability to have. In fact, when I support you having, that aids me in having as well. And when I give, the same rule applies. I am more likely to have. 

Division – A Break in the Link

Second, we, as a world, have begun to divide ourselves as a collective, in a time when we should be coming together. When we remember that we are a collective, that you are me and I am you, then it begins to make sense.  Apart, we are much less powerful. Apart, we can accomplish less, know less, feel less, enjoy less and be less. The word apart, “a part,” says it all when we look closely at the root of it. When we are apart, we are merely “a part.” A system, any system, cannot function properly without all of its parts. So if you, personally, are of the belief that your opinion cannot or does not matter amongst this issue, you have never been more wrong. Because if you are living, you are “a part.” But none of us has to be “apart.” 

Coming Together is a Choice

We can choose to be together. It doesn’t matter if you wear a mask and I don’t. Nor does it matter if you are Democrat, or a liberal and I am Republican or a conservative. We can choose to stand together if you are Chinese and I am American. We can stand together regardless of race, age, sexual orientation….none of this keeps us from solidarity unless we allow it to. We are a sinking ship, and unless we begin to embrace the first mate, the ship just might not make it through the storm. Am I saying that we should not have discussions regarding the direction of our society? Am I suggesting that we should not debate the presidential election and choose our candidate? 

No! I am saying that we can do those things, and still stand together. We can do those things and still find respect, and have compassion for one another, seeing beyond the mask to that which is under it, and find a way to understand. We can understand our fellow human beings, and support their right to freedom, while at the same time supporting our own. For it is only what we are able to give to others that we can truly possess ourselves. 

Let us not give our power away to division in these incredibly difficult times. We must support each other, respect our differences, and come together in an entirely new way. 

Let us Unite!

Tammie Mohn
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, MBA, CPA
August 25, 2020

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