

We all experience times in our lives when we have undesired feelings. As a result, they cause us to suffer, sometimes to a great extent. Triggers in our everyday environment, which set off our subconscious patterns, can cause us to feel a particular way. In other words, often, we are not aware when a particular event, place or sound is triggering us. This is because triggers occur below the conscious level. Feelings then cause thoughts, and thoughts lead to more feelings. As a result, we could find ourselves in a never-ending loop.

Feelings create chemicals in our bodies, which, over time, can become addictive. For example, if you don’t get your daily dose of anger in morning rush hour, you may blow up at a coworker! Over time these chemicals can become dangerous to the body, causing dis-ease. 

The key to mastering our feelings is to first, recognize them, and second, to come to the understanding that we are not our what we feel. In essence, our feelings simply occur, they come and go like clouds in the sky. As such, one moment we have them, the next moment they are gone. They come in waves, like the ocean, with a crest and a trough. 

The good news is that we have the ability to alleviate these conditions. Through hypnosis recordings and daily effort, it is possible to bypass the chemical stimulation of emotions. In addition, when we learn that we are not our feelings or our thoughts, and that we can control what we think and what we react to, we become Empowered! This kind of Empowerment begins and ends with you, therefore, it does not depend on anything outside of you. 

Hypnosis recordings for feelings  can provide a beginning. In my experience, the positive effects can begin to occur after your first listen! Over time the effects will compound. As a result, you could be feeling better in no time at all!

The programming words used in the recording  are general, and taken from previous sessions with clients. They will help most people, but there is nothing as effective for an individual’s own subconscious as their own words. Therefor, if you would like to create a custom feelings hypnotic recording please follow the link.