How an Empath can Regain their Power

Most empath advice is wrong! What empaths are taught to do does not necessarily work. In this article, learn how an empath can regain their power.

The best advice is this: Return to you! Continue reading to find out what exactly this means.

If you are reading this article, chances are that you, or someone you love is an empath too. I am an empath. I want to share a recent revelation, that what empaths are taught in terms of managing their energy is mostly wrong! 

Let’s start from the beginning. There is great suffering involved in feeling the emotions of others, attaching to others, and avoiding others, which are all habits empaths seem to have in common. The suffering is caused by the inability to regulate emotions which may or may not belong to them. The suffering is also caused by isolating, avoiding contact with others in order to cease having to feel a collective or individual undesirable feeling.


As an empath you may stop watching the news, stop seeing certain people, or engage in activities such as binge watching, that will consume your thoughts so you don’t have to feel the feelings associated with them. Empaths may isolate, have addictions or perhaps even all of the above. These behaviors are ultimately destructive (except not watching the news), and most empaths look for help. What is the first place that most empaths tend to seek help?


Many, many empaths move into spiritual practice in order that they might alleviate the symptoms of their gift. Much of the new age spirituality teaches empaths a variety of practices that may be helpful, but they do not teach the most important tool that actually is helpful. Let me explain.

First and foremost, spirituality teaches meditation. The most common form of meditation is meditation with the goal to alleviate discomfort and stray thinking. This is helpful. However, many meditations move a person into higher spiritual states after awhile. This means that they transcend the lower chakras, or energy centers of the body, and tend to begin using mainly the upper chakras. The higher chakras are the chakras that tend to take us further out of our body, into the astral or ethereal planes. For an empath this is the exact opposite of what is helpful. But before I explain why, I’d like to address another practice that is taught to empaths.

Many spiritual advisors also tell empaths to “protect” themselves. As an empath, did you find that this doesn’t work very well? Here’s why: Often this requires some kind of an energetic field or created boundary. Holding up this boundary requires energy. Most empaths are deficient in energy, as they are using much of it to process the emotions of others. As spiritually advanced as most may be, there only is a certain amount of energy that can flow through, and into the human energy system every day.

Empaths have a harder time with flow than those who are not empaths, because empathy usually comes with energetic blocks. Empaths commonly have a history of trauma, which creates energetic blocks in the body. When not cleared, these blocks prevent energy from flowing properly through the channels in the body. Thus empaths may be expending more, and receiving less energy than the average person.

How is Empathy Created?

In order to fully understand why we need the technique I am about to offer, it is important to understand the way empathy is created and how it works. As a child most empaths were exposed to traumatic situations, including, abandonment, and/or psychic, emotional or physical abuse. Due to the situations they found themselves in, survival instinct kicked the brains ability to use mirror neurons into high gear. You know how a parent feeding their infant will open their mouth when putting the spoon to the child’s mouth? That is an example of mirroring.

The child learns how to eat through mirroring their parents behavior. In empathy, the child mirrors the parent in the same way, but the purpose is to understand their environment to know if danger may be around the corner. And eventually the mirroring technique will extend to their whole environment and all of those they know, in order to keep themselves safe. 

When this process occurs the empath not only senses the danger, but also tends to feel the feelings associated with the mirrored person’s emotions. Imagine being in a room full of people and experiencing the emotions of each of them, just to find out if you are safe! If you are an empath, that is likely what you are doing. No wonder you don’t enjoy crowds, right?!

It just so happens that the process of mirroring is a process that requires an empath to be outside of their body. It requires their consciousness to extend to the mirrored person’s consciousness, in order to get the information it desires. This process of being out of body for a typical empath, in most cases, has been occurring for decades unchecked! That means the feeling feels natural. Many empaths, therefore, might not even know what it feels like to feel grounded and in their own body. 

You know that feeling you get in a relationship when you lose yourself? I can see all empaths shaking their head yes right now. That feeling is the feeling of actually “becoming” the other person in your relationship. And the caveat to that, is that you are “losing” yourself when you are becoming the other person, through mirroring. So what happens when you lose that person? You feel as if you are losing yourself. It is devastating and heartbreaking. The best way to relieve yourself of this heartbreak is to move back into your own body, return to you.

What TO Do – Return to You

Despite the popular advice, my advice to empaths, and the advice that works for me, is to ground and inhabit your own body like you’ve never inhabited it before. Return to you! Inhabit all the parts of you including your bones, your feet, your legs, your arms. Call your energy back to you. Engage in a creative project or activity that you absolutely love. When you find yourself wondering how another person is, or whether they might contact you, call your energy back to yourself. Start thinking about your own body and your own feelings.

Meditate on your lower three chakras, calling the energy back into them. See your root, your sacral and your solar plexus. Fill them up with energy and light. See your feet rooted in the earth. Feel the sensations inside your body, inside you organs. Listen to the beat of your heart, and focus on the rhythm of your own breath. Breathe energy into your body, into every single part of it. Return to you! Open your palms and call the energy back to you, breathe in, then take your palms to your heart while allowing your heart to take in the energy. Notice the separation between yourself and the things around you. See that the walls are separate from you, the windows are separate from you, and the floor is separate from you. Notice that the trees are separate. You can reach out to them and they are not you. 

These practices might sound different than the typical spiritual practices we perform in meditation. Much of what we are taught to do is see ourselves in the quantum field “as” everything else. I am the chair, I am the cup etc. We are taught to transcend our bodies and to transcend our lower needs to seek God.  And these are valuable practices, but not necessarily to the suffering empath. There is a time and a place for every practice. And remember, we are human beings right here and now, and there is not a place that God is not! When you return to you, you do not lose your spirituality.

Warning: This Works!

This new practice that causes you to return to you, also comes with a bit of a warning. Those who were depending on you mirroring them, who were depending on the energy that comes with receiving yummy empathic energy, will notice. They may attempt reconnection or seek you out. At that point it is most obviously your choice on what to do with your energy. At least by this point you will know how amazing it feels to be you, to love you and to honor you for exactly who you are! And at anytime you choose you can always Return to You!


Tammie Mohn, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Empowering You

For more information regarding your Empowerment, contact me for your free consultation 

Some concepts and information gained in this article came from the following:

Aaron Doughty
Laura Graye