Gratitude is Good for your Health

Health Means Body, Mind and Spirit

It is important to include health in all aspects of the being, body, mind and spirit, to be truly healthy individual.  Each, put together, creates a whole person.  One aspect affects another whether in a positive or a not so positive way.  Studies are beginning to show the astounding impact a person’s disposition has on their health.  The results show that love, a positive outlook and gratitude are a large part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  

Focus on What IS Wanted – Not the Other Way Around

Often people inventory their life and find themselves less than satisfied in one way or another.  Our minds are trained to find the outliers, and to notice the what is missing as a protective mechanism. Therefore, people spend much time and effort thinking about the things that they do not have, as opposed to the things they do have. This leaves little time to appreciate the amazing wonders that do touch their lives. 

Thinking constantly of those things that one does not possess, whether material or emotional, makes the world seem less appealing. Life seems less welcoming, and less of a wonderful place to be. But it doesn’t have to be that way, because our thoughts are our choice. Everyone has something to be grateful for.  Our choice lays in where we would be most obliged to focus our thoughts. Are we going to choose to think about those things that we are wishing we had more of? Or, alternatively,  those that we already have, and are truly grateful for.  One thought pattern creates a smile, harmonious thoughts, love in our hearts, and warms our bodies, while the other does the opposite. 

As you look at yourself as a whole organism made of tiny particles of matter, which quantum physics tells us contains nothing but vibration and energy, which train of thought would you choose?  How do you think that train of thought will affect your health? And how do you believe that thought will affect the other material manifestations in your life?

Gratitude and the Law of Attraction

Gratitude works closely with the law of attraction.  In fact, these two go hand in hand so well, that it could almost be said that the law of attraction could not exist without the feeling of gratitude and vice versa.  When a person is experiencing gratitude that feeling radiates vibrationally into the outward from them, into the universe.  It is so strong and so positive, that it immediately begins creating more of whatever the focus of the gratitude is, drawing that to the person.  And because the law of attraction brings us more of whatever it is we are focusing on, we must take care as to what it is that we are grateful for.

Have you ever heard someone say, “Oh that’s just great!” as they focus on something that is displeasing to them?  In that instance they are asking for more of it.  This particular feeling may not be construed as gratitude, but it has the same, powerful effect.  Gratitude is an intended focus associated with positive feelings of love and appreciation.  But when something displeases us, if we are not careful, the associated negative feeling can be quite strong as well. 

E-Motion = Energy in Motion

As we previously learned, strong feelings, positive or negative, combined with focused intent and repetition create e-motion, or energy in motion, which begins the manifestation process.  This is not to say that we need to be fearful of one instance of misplaced attention, for it takes quite a bit of strong e-motion to complete the manifestation process in this dense world.  It is our repeated thoughts and feelings that begin to show up in our lives.

So building the life, and state of well being that we desire, is about finding momentum in gratitude for the people, places and events that are pleasing to us in every moment, and halting the momentum of that which is not. 

Make Use of your Most Precious Currency

Remember, your attention and focus is your greatest currency. In order to experience abundance of anything in our lives, we must provide our most precious form of currency. We must “pay” our attention and our focus. “Paying” our attention and our focus means having a feeling of gratitude, and letting that feeling grow and flourish. We can plant the seed of gratitude, and the fruit of our grown crop will be the essence of the food provided. If we have provided love, gratitude and appreciation, then the fruit of our crop will be bountiful and healthy, abundant and prosperous.


During the process of growth we may be required to withdraw our attention and act in “ignore-ance,” on occasion. This means that when something appears that we are not grateful for, that we do not want to see more of in our future, we just let it pass by like a cloud in the sky. We let it pass by in ignorance and bliss, as some might put it. In this way we are not associating any particular feeling, nor are we providing any energy to that which we do not want, so it cannot grow. 

Did you know that expressing  gratitude to another and affect their health in a positive way as well?  Today, tell someone to whom you are truly thankful why and how they have made your life better.  Watch the smile light up their face as you share with this person the manner in which they have enhanced your life.  Most likely the gracious attitude will not stop there, it will spread even further.  Gratitude is not only healthy, but you can catch it too!!  

So for an easy boost to your immunity, overall health, and pocketbook, take a daily dose of gratitude and call me in the morning.  Oh, and be sure to infect all those around you with gratitude as well!

For more information regarding services that could help you increase the amount of things to be grateful for, please contact me for your free 30 minute consultation.