

Hypnotherapy for Change

Hypnotherapy is helping people create healthy changes in their lives all over the world!  As a result, this highly under-used healing modality is finally being discovered.

Have you ever wondered why you just can’t break that old habit? Have you ever wondered why will power just isn’t enough to accomplish the goals you set out to accomplish? Stop blaming yourself and stop creating fault


Our ability to function on a daily basis is not only based on what our conscious mind knows. Our conscious mind is made up of those thoughts that are above the surface. Ability to function is also controlled by what is below the surface, the programs running in our subconscious mind.  These programs control 95% of our lives!  

The Iceberg Principle of Hypnotherapy
The Iceberg Principle of Hypnotherapy

Imagine yourself as an iceberg. The part over the water is just the tip of the iceberg.  The iceberg extends far below the water level, therefore  most of us find it easier to  change the part we can see, the part that others see, but that is only 5% of our power!

It is much more effective to take a plunge into the ice cold water of change, when we know that we will be affecting 95%, the powerhouse of our system. Hypnosis and hypnotherapy help to uncover subconscious beliefs.As a result, we can clear the root of the issue.


Do you have false beliefs lurking in your subconscious?  A false belief is anything you believe about yourself that does not create a good feeling within. The false belief could be creating blocks and as a result, keeping you from achieving a joyous life. Due to early traumatic experiences, most of us do have false beliefs. If it is a false belief, then it is not the truth!  Learn how to uncover those false beliefs and clear them.

If you have ever wondered whether hypnotherapy might be right for you, contact me for your free 30 minute consultation.



Hypnotherapy for Smoking
Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss and Weight Control
Hypnosis for Feelings of Anxiousness
Hypnotherapy for Sleep
Hypnotherapy for Pain Management
Hypnosis for Motivation
Hypnotherapy for Problem-Solving
Hypnosis for Relationships
Hypnotherapy for Self Esteem 

Hypnotherapy for Improving Job Performance
Hypnosis for Prosperity
Hypnotherapy for Anger
Hypnotherapy for Uncovering Memories
Hypnosis for Bed-Wedding
Hypnotherapy for Sports Performance
Hypnotherapy for Addiction
Hypnosis for Childhood and Past-Life Regression

How many Sessions will you need?

Most protocols require at least 3 sessions to be effective.  The first session includes a recorded of your hypnotic session for you to keep!   Normally, sessions will be scheduled once per week, or every other week depending on the situation.  The sessions will be via Skype or Zoom, just as effective as in person (if not more). My goal eventual goal is  to provide you the tools, so as to become obsolete in your life!

No time for hypnotherapy? Check out the Hypno-Meme. Change your life in just 30 seconds, 3 times a day!

If you want to get acclimated to hypnotherapy, or to see what it’s like to be hypnotized. Check out these pre-recorded hypnosis programming MP3’s!

Contact me for your free 20 minute consultation!


All Business Media Interview with Tammie Mohn

News Interview – What is Hypnotherapy?