To enter USTRASANA – CAMEL, from table position come to your knees with your legs hip width apart.Take a deep breath in, engage your core, lengthen your spine creating space between your vertebrae, and as as you exhale begin to arch your back.  At the same time begin to bring your elbows together behind your back, making sure to keep your spine elongated and your core engaged.  Tuck your chin.  Press your palms into your heals and let your fingers fall over the bottom of your feet.  Lift through your chest and continue breathing (breath may be shorter but keep it steady) while bringing your shoulders apart on the inhale.  Exhale relax the shoulders and melt into the posture. To get out of posture bring your hands to your hips and your chin toward your chest.  You can walk your hands up your legs on the way to your hips if you need to. Counter this back bend stretch with a child’s pose or Forward Bend.


This posture stretches the chest and abdomen, strengthens the core, adds spinal flexibility, and strengthens the back muscles. It is also said that this posture stimulates the thyroid, helps digestion and lowers the blood pressure. Energetically this posture opens the heart center.