To enter TRIKONASANA – TRIANGLE, begin in Tadasana step back with your left foot a few feet.  As you step back you will position your upper body to be facing the side wall.  Your left hand extends upward while your right hand reaches down toward the mat.  Your left toes are facing the front of the room and your left heel should be in line with the arch of your back foot.

It is very important to keep the spine and neck straight.  Your left hand placement should be comfortable for you with not too much strain.  It can be on the inside of your left foot or the outside.  Shoulders and arms are square to the side room.  You can imagine as if your body was needing to fit between two walls that are close together.  As you inhale stretch your arms and lengthen your torso and as you exhale relax and add a little twist to the hips, aligning your body even further.

This posture has amazing benefits.  It opens the hips, strengthens your legs, knees, abdominals and back muscles.  Triangle expands your side waist which helps with body alignment. It opens the hips and strengthens the core muscles of the body. As an added bonus this posture helps to open your heart energy center.