For HALASANA – PLOW POSE, begin straight from Sarvangasana, Shoulder Stand, into this pose if you choose to enter it. Please note that this pose requires much caution for the neck. It is not recommended that you practice this pose if you experience any neck discomfort. As you exhale from shoulder stand, bend at the hips, lowering your legs toward the wall behind you. Keep the spine as lengthened as possible. Keep your hands along your back for support. Once you have shifted the weight to your shoulder shelf, and if your feet are comfortable on the floor, you may want to bring palms to the floor beside you, or clasp the hands behind your back. Inhale lengthen, exhale relax. Hold this for several breaths.



This is another inverted pose. As stated previously, inverted poses are excellent for detoxification of the body. This pose also helps to strengthen and bring relief to the back. It also stretches the back muscles. Plow helps with leg cramps and muscle tension, and stretches the thighs, legs and calves. Due to the pressure on the the area of the endocrine gland system, this posture also stimulates those glands creating a boost for the thyroid, adrenal and pituitary.