To enter KUMBHAKASANA – PLANK, begin at the front of your mat, exhale to  forward bend and place your hands on the mat. Step or jump your feet to the back of the mat.  Keep your arms beneath your shoulders as you spread your fingers wide and press fingertips and palms to the mat, evening out the pressure on your wrists. Relax your shoulders. Your feet should ideally be hip distance apart. Align your head with your spine. The back should not be arched. Look down toward the floor to align your head and neck. For half plank bring your forearms to the mat.    Hold for 6 to 12 breath then step or jump your feet back to the front of the mat, returning to standing

Plank pose tones all of the core muscles of the body, including the abdomen, chest, and lower back. It strengthens the arms, wrists, and shoulders.  This pose also strengthens the muscles surrounding the spine and improves posture. This decreases risk of injury in the back and spine. This posture also improves balance via strengthening the abdominal muscles which aid in balance.  For a challenge, and as a recommended next posture with some of the same benefits, try side plank.