To enter PARSVOTTANASANA – PYRAMID, begin in Triangle, inhale up, arms coming overhead, lengthen the spine.  Exhale as you hinge forward at the hips, maintaining a straight spine, moving the head toward the foot and not the knee.  You can bring the palms or fingers to the floor, or you can play with clasping your hands, raising them up behind your back, or even creating the Namaste Mudra behind your back.  As you inhale lengthen your torso, as you exhale sink deeper into the stretch.  You can bend the front knee slightly if needed.  Hold this posture for 6 to 12 breaths and repeat on the other side.  This pose is often used in conjunction with Triangle and Reverse Triangle.

Pyramid stretches the hamstrings and shoulders.  This posture aids in building balance and full body coordination. calms the mind, and improves posture.   It also stretches the spine, chest, and hips, and  massages the abdominal organs by putting pressure on the liver and spleen. This helps to improve digestion. This posture strengthens the legs, ankles and feet. Pyramid can potentially relieve neck and shoulder pain as well. This posture expands hip joints and the spinal column, creating space in the vertebrae.