Confused About Spiritual Beliefs

Confused About Spiritual Beliefs?

Whatever your views on religion, a healthy spiritual belief and practice contributes greatly to living a happy, healthy, fulfilling life. According to the laws of the universe, God, and other spiritual guidance, we all have the capacity to live a happy, healthy, prosperous, amazing lives.  Many people learn some of the the laws and principles of spirituality, practice for awhile, and simply give up for lack of progress or results. Often people become “unbelievers” in God, the the divine, or the universe, because they feel promises have been broken, and, “If God or the universe truly were good, then why must I suffer”? It isn’t too surprising to find that so many people are confused about spiritual beliefs.

Achieving Relief Belief - You and Spirituality

There are so many mis-teachings, and sometimes outright blatant lies out there, that is not easy to know what to believe. There are thousands of different religions with different practices and varying beliefs. What can a person do? Where can we turn for valid information…information that will actually improve our lives for once? Finding belief relief certainly is not easy!

It makes me sad to see so many people who have lost their faith, lost their belief, and lost their way. It makes me very sad to see spiritual principles taught in a way that is misleading, or not advantageous to the person learning.  And again,  it makes me sad when people stop believing in their higher power, stop having faith, and stop enjoying life, because another mere mortal taught them something that didn’t work for them. 

Who Can Help You Find Your Own Best Guidance?

So who can teach you what you need to know about spiritual principles? Jesus? Well sure, but there are several different interpretations. Perhaps the Bible, or the Quran could teach us? Where exactly are the magic words?

The truth is that there are no magic words. Words are simply language that point to a truth. Words can never replace knowing, just as words can never truly describe the beauty of a rose blooming, or the essence of love. There is only once source when you are seeking faith and spiritual principles. It is YOU! You are the conduit, the intermediary and the vessel. It is you that connects to the all-knowing, and the all-seeing. No other could connect you, or connect for you.

Only You Can Help You Find What Works for You

Did you think I was going to say me? I am simply another one of those mortals we were talking about earlier.  The name of my business is Empowered Beyond Belief. My job, as I see it, is to empower you to decide your own future, to create your own happiness, to find your own faith, and to create yourself as the person you want to be. And I love my job! But with so many people out there believing that they have the answers for everyone else, my job is more challenging than ever. 

I check myself regularly. This means that I take a look at myself from an outside perspective to make sure that I am being partial and not judgmental. I also spend quite a bit of time achieving relief belief for myself. I want to offer suggestions and paths as opposed to intricate step by step methods. And most of all I want to remember that my way of empowering others isn’t for everyone. It’s not for me to be offended if my principles and my methods do not work for someone. It is for me to be of service in the way that my higher power asks me to be of service.

Finding Spiritual Principles That Work

Many people find spiritual principles, try them out, and wonder why they are not working. “They said if I just think positive for the whole day then my life will change.” “If I just take these vitamins, they will make me healthy.” “If I do these exercises, I will become whole.” Hearing promises like that, makes me want to run…not walk, to the nearest exit. I make no promises. I offer what I have, just like a host would offer their guests dinner, and you are free to eat it or not eat it if you do not care for it. You are also free to take what works for you and throw out the rest. That is exactly what I have done on my journey.

When you go to a dinner and you do not like something, are you the type of person who eats it anyway, just so the host won’t be offended? Or do you eat it anyway because everyone else is eating it, and you think because they like it that you should too? Or maybe you eat it because you don’t believe in wasting food, and you were taught that  if you do, you may go to hell? Whatever your reason for eating food that you don’t like – I have two words from Bob Newhart…..STOP IT!

Choose Your Own Plate of Food

The biggest issue for most people is not listening to themselves. If you find a principle that doesn’t work for you, or doesn’t “resonate” with you…then drop it. That’s right. Leave it behind, say adios, and don’t look back. YOU are your best resource. YOU know what it is that you need right now. And even if the pope or Buddha suggests something for you – if it isn’t right, then it isn’t. Leave it behind. You are here to follow no one. You are here to choose the dinner you want to eat, and to fill your plate yourself.

When we were little, mom filled our plate. We ate what was on the plate that mom gave us. But now that we are all grown up we choose our own plate of food. And it is our choices in food that help to dictate our health moving forward. Just like it is our choices in spirituality that help to dictate our emotional and spiritual health moving forward. Listen to yourself. 

How Do I Listen to Myself?

Now is when things begin to get a little sticky. Because I can hear the questions brewing in your mind already. “How do I know what I like?” “What about when alcohol or drugs looks better than anything else?” “What about this, what about that?” Ok. So let’s break it down a little further. 

Let’s say you are choosing your plate of food, and you decide that you want 6 cupcakes instead of vegetables, whole grains or starches. And, well, 6 cupcakes is what you really want. It is what really resonates with you. So should you eat them?

And that is where many people get stuck in achieving belief relief. You see, it is not as clear cut as it all may seem. Yes, we want to listen to our inner voices, our intuition, our best selves, but no, we don’t want to listen to responses that occur due to negative programming resulting in false beliefs. False beliefs are actually a hinderance, as opposed to an asset, in our lives. What is a false belief? It is simply something you have come to believe that is to your own detriment. For example, a father only told his child he loved them when he brought home cupcakes. This created the association of cupcakes with love, and thus, you choose cupcakes instead of other foods that might be more nutritious. Although you may have forgotten this, your subconscious has not. It has been programmed with this belief, cupcakes = love.

Your subconscious is your most powerful decision making mechanism. Why is it your most powerful decision making mechanism? Well, mostly because it can handle 40 million bits of information per second. It takes in way more information than our conscious mind (your waking, thinking mind, that most of us use to make decisions), which can handle only 40 bits of information per second.

The ultimate state of being is a relationship between the conscious and subconscious where the information flows freely, and the conscious mind is used as a tool to implement, decipher, and record results. But most people do not have that kind of free flow of information happening between their conscious and subconscious minds. Most people are either making judgements and decisions based on what is going on outside of them (what they feel they “should” do or are told to do), or based on the bad programs that their subconscious recorded in early life, or even worse, both!

Take Out the Garbage – It Stinks!

First let’s take about the bad programs. The subconscious has no judgement mechanism. Judgment belongs only to the conscious, thinking mind. Between the ages of 0 and 8 your subconscious was recording everything…good or bad, and saving it as truth. It does this to keep you safe, to put things on auto pilot so your conscious mind doesn’t have to work so hard. But in today’s world this mechanism is a bit flawed. Recording everything during those years is the equivalent to a recording artist just recording once, and sending their song to market. What are the chances that the recording is going to be the best it could be? Most of us have good, beneficial programs running in our subconscious, but we also have not so good programs running.

If you want to be able to connect to your higher power, and therefore, trust your own judgement, you know what you are going to have to do. Yep…get rid of the bad programs. Throw out the bad recordings. These are the programs that cause you to load up your plate with foods that are going to harm, and not help, you. 

Build Your Own Palace

Think of your subconscious as a palace. All of the contents should be worthy of being in your palace. You probably wouldn’t want broken pictures, torn tapestries, or broken three legged tables in your palace. You would want only the nicest things. If there were already torn tapestries or broken pictures, wouldn’t you take them out and replace them with items that you enjoyed more? If you didn’t, and you had to walk by them and look at them everyday, and if you had to eat at a table with three legs, then would you be as happy as you could be? Probably not. But that is actually what you are doing right now. You are eating dinner, every night, at a table with three legs while looking at torn tapestries and broken pictures.

So how do you get rid of the old recordings and replace them? How do you actually go about achieving belief relief? That is where I come in. I Empower others to find methods to rid themselves of the programs that are not working in their subconscious mind. In this way, they can fill their palace with all of the beautiful things that they do want. In this way life comes more easily and flows better.

It is so important to get rid of the garbage before you begin to choose the path that will work for you. While you are healing you make the best choices you can. While you are healing you also have faith, ask for help, and spend a lot of time trying to listen to that inner voice that is currently very quiet and muffled. It is quiet because it is yelling from underneath mounds of garbage. And as you remove the garbage that voice becomes more and more clear. As you remove the garbage you suddenly know what feels right… instantly. You know what path you want to take. Your life begins to fall in line. And suddenly you realize your palace is filled with the most beautiful items you could ever imagine…and you get to live there! Having achieved belief relief, and living happily ever after.

Well, ok, it’s not a Disney fairytale ending, but pretty near!

For more information on how the tools I have learned can EMPOWER YOU to find your own way, please contact me for your free consultation. If you have a specific issue that you feel like might be helped by programming, please visit my recordings page to see if one might be right for your issue.