What is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is simply a deep state of relaxation. It is a state in which the brain waves slow down, allowing access to the subconscious mind. It is similar to meditation. Despite any false beliefs you may have about hypnosis, you are always in charge, you can come out whenever you want, and since your subconscious is your protective mechanism it will never show you anything you do not want to see.
Will hypnosis work for everyone?
Hypnosis will work for those who are willing and believe it can help them. It is not a placebo effect, but those who do not want to be hypnotized cannot. It is that simple. Free will applies to all situations, including hypnosis.
How do the recordings work?
The certified clinical hypnotherapist records a session, which lasts approximately 20 minutes. During this session you will be guided into a subliminal, hypnotic, meditative state. After achieving this state, positive and helpful suggestions will be provided for your subconscious mind. Sessions may include advanced techniques such as NLP or specific types of breathing which allow you to achieve your desired outcome.
How many times should I listen to the recordings?
You can listen to your recordings as often as you like. The more you listen, the better the recordings work. Repetition is one of the keys to successful subliminal programming.

What if I fall asleep while I am listening?
If you fall asleep while listening that is perfectly fine. Your subconscious will still receive the delivered messages, though not quite as effectively.

When should I listen to my recordings?
Recordings are most effective when listened to right after waking, or right before falling asleep. This is because your brain wave state is closest to the theta, or programming state, during these times.

What if I can't find a recording that fits my need?
If you cannot find a recording to suit your particular need, you may want to purchase a custom recording. This recording is made specifically for you by a Certified Hypnotherapist. You will work with a hypnotherapist who will customize the words and and the approach to your recording that will work best for you.It is worth noting that words mean different things according the perception of those who are using them. We all see things through our own unique filter. This is why custom recordings are such an effective approach to hypnosis recordings.