For VIRABHADRASANA 2 – WARRIOR 2, begin in Warrior 1, exhale as your arms come down to shoulder height in front of, and behind you. Your palms will now be facing downward toward the floor. You continue to gaze forward over your shoulder, but now square the hips and the shoulders to the side wall. If necessary bring your hands down briefly to feel the hips squaring to the side wall. Shoulders continue to be relaxed. As you hold this pose, inhale stretching the arms out, reaching toward the front and back wall, expanding the spine and keeping it straight. Exhale pressing the back with your outer foot toward the back wall or the outer part of the heal toward the mat, depending on your foot position, lunging into the front thigh, taking care to keep the knee behind the ankle.
This posture strengthens the legs, thighs, calves and ankles, while lengthening the spine. Warrior 2 opens your hips, chest and heart and lungs area. It stretches your hips, groin and shoulders. This posture can help to energize your arms and legs. Warrior 2 also aids in balance and stability, while and improving the circulation.