For VIPARITA VIRABHADRASANA – REVERSE WARRIOR, begin in Warrior 2, then bring the back arm down as the right arm moves toward the ceiling stretching the forward arm up, while keeping the shoulder safe, bringing the back hand down to the back thigh. Your gaze should be looking up at the hand pointing toward the ceiling. Breathe in and extend, breathe out and relax. For a further stretch you can bring the back hand around behind your waist, gripping your forward thigh. Be sure to keep the knee over your ankle and behind the toes. There should not be any weight on the back hand.
This posture strengthens and stretches the entire back and neck areas. It aids in spinal flexibility. Reverse Warrior also helps with hip mobility. It strengthens the leg muscles and aids in supportive muscles of the back, contributing to the relief of back pain. This posture strengthens the legs as well. In addition it can open the the chest and side body areas, creating space between the ribs. This is why the expansion is important during the in breath. With this expansion also comes opening of the heart and throat energy centers.