For SHAVASANA – CORPSE come to a supine position. Arms will be down by your side with your palms facing upward. Grab any cushions you might like to feel more comfortable. Comfort is the key to this pose….you have worked hard! Close your eyes and rest. Some yoga teachers will provide a meditation or progressive relaxation technique. Here is a link for an easy, enjoyable 10 minute meditation from you YouTube channel if you would like to use it. If you are relaxing yourself just begin at your toes and imagine relaxing the muscles inside of them. Work your way all the way up your body until you get to your head. Stay present, in the moment, and know that you have just taken great strides for your body mind and spirit. Set an intention to hit the mat again soon. Remember how good you feel right now, and to get yourself back on the mat, simply recall this memory.
This pose helps to calm your body and your nervous system after working many of the muscles and allowing the energy centers to align. Because your entire body and energy system have been worked, this relaxation will take you into brainwave states that can help you to program in positive results in your life. Use this time to rest and thank yourself for the time to create a new and better you. Set an intention to walk out as a changed person, perhaps a little, or perhaps a lot, but not the same person as you walked in.
Namaste my friend! See you again soon.