For PARSVAKONASANA -EXTENDED SIDE ANGLE, begin in Warrior 2, inhale as your left arm comes down, bent, to rest just above the right knee at the elbow, or as you keep the arms straight, fingertips just off the mat. The right arm goes up toward the ceiling, or diagonally over the head as the gaze is up toward the ceiling, stretching the right side body. Exhale pressing into the lunge, outer back foot toward the back wall and lunging into the front foot. Keep the weight distribution even between the feet. Inhale stretch, exhale lunge.
This posture strengthens the legs, while lengthening the spine. It opens your hips, chest, shoulder area and heart and lungs area. Extended side angle contributes to body muscle strength as you extend the length of holding the pose. It stretches many parts of your body especially the side body but also your arms, legs, neck and belly. The posture requires flexing of the spine and although it can be done throughout practice, it is normally done especially at the beginning of practice to prepare the body for more advanced stretches. This posture is excellent for the back and can ease Sciatica issues as well.