For NAVASANA – UPWARD FACING BOAT, begin from a seated position with your knees bent. Inhale, lengthening the spine and expanding the chest, drawing the shoulder blades together. Bring hands to the lower thighs just above the knees. Exhale, relax your shoulders and bend the knees, lifting the feet off the floor a few inches. Continue to straighten your legs and bring them as high off the floor as is comfortable to you. Keep core muscles engaged. If desired, release the thighs and allow palms to face the legs with arms outstretched. Inhale lengthen, exhale, relax the shoulders and into the tailbone. Hold for a few breaths, then release. Bring the hands back to the thighs before lowering the legs. This posture has many variations and modifications.
Upward Facing Boat strengthens the core, mostly the abdominals. Anytime the core is strengthened it reduces the workload of your lower back. This aids in preventing back injury. This pose also prepares the body for more advanced poses by strengthening the core body, hip flexors and the spine. Boat posture increases focus and stamina as well. This posture also helps with overall posture.
Suggested next pose: Knee to Chest