For MATSYASANA – FISH POSE, begin in a supine position with back on the mat. Your arms should be along the side body with palms facing your thighs. For this posture you want to engage your core muscles. On an inhale, keeping your forearms in place, roll your shoulders back while lifting the belly and chest.
You should feel your back arching. Press your palms into the mat or tuck them under your tailbone. Open your throat to a comfortable distance, as you allow the head to roll back. Be careful that you are not experiencing any neck discomfort. Hold for several breaths. To come out, exhale and press strongly into the forearms and palms, lifting your head off the floor.
Fish posture relieves tension in your neck and shoulders. It opens the throat energetically, while opening the the airways as well, improving respiration and increasing lung capacity. This posture can stimulate and tone the thyroid gland, helping you to feel energized. This pose also engages the core, strengthening the abdomen and contributing to aligned posture and balance. It helps with flexibility and strength in the back and the neck. Energetically this pose opens the heart and throat energy centers.
Recommended counterpose: Knee to Chest.