For BALASANA – CHILD’S POSE, come to the knees. Knees may be together and inward, such that the legs are touching one another, or they may be outward with distance between the legs for the body. Palms are actively planted to create knee placement. Once legs are comfortable, inhale to a straight spine, then exhale forward, brining the forehead toward the floor, sliding your arms now down by your side with palms facing up.

Relax the neck muscles and be sure there is no tension or strain. Hold for several breaths. On an inhale lift the torso slightly, and on a exhale relax once again. An alternate hand placement is reaching out in front of the body with palms facing down.

Child’s Pose feels great after back stretches including Wheel and Cobra. It also counters these stretches to bring balance to the body.
This pose stretches the hips, thighs and ankles. It is an excellent counter to any intense back stretch such as cobra bridge, or wheel, as it releases tension in the back, shoulders and chest area. Child’s pose also helps with knee health by stretching the tendons and the ligaments. The brain is eased with the calming affect of the forehead on the mat. Child’s pose lengthens the spine and helps to alleviate back and neck pain. This posture manages the internal organs and aids in digestion. This is a great resting posture between yoga poses to allow the breath to normalize.