For BADDHA KONASANA – BOUND ANGLE, from a seated position bring the soles of your feet together, bending the knees. Foot distance from the body is irrelevant. Take care to mind the knees, there should be no discomfort. Bring your hands together around your feet or toes and straighten the spine. On an inhale rise to a straight spine, pressing through the tailbone, and engage your core muscles.
Exhale, keep the spine lengthened while bending forward, bringing the head toward the feet, finding an edge. Make sure there is no discomfort in the spine. Hold for several breaths, extending the spine on inhale and relaxing on exhale.
Bound Angle strengthens and improves flexibility of the thighs, groin and knees while also expanding the hips. It also strengthens the knees and ankles.

Bound Angle posture helps with digestion by stimulating and putting pressure on the organs. It lengthens the lower back, bringing space between the lower vertebrae. In this way it can help with sciatic issues. Stretching the groin area can also help with menstrual issues including cramps. As well as stretching the groins, this posture helps to keep the urinary, bladder and prostate healthy.
A recommendation for your next posture is Head to Knee.