To come into UPWARD STANDING SIDE BEND, begin in Mountain pose, inhale your arms upward toward the sky, relaxing the shoulders, lengthening the spine, and lifting out of the waist. Exhale, continuing to lengthen, push the right hip out to the right and extend the right arm over the right ear. Left arm can be at hip level or up in the air as well. Find your comfort zone. Inhale, arms and body lengthen upward again, lifting out of the waist, then exhale to the other side, left hip pushes out and left arm curves over the head just above the left ear. Lengthen upon inhaling and soften and stretch during the exhale. Use this stretch anytime. It is especially great after sitting for long periods of time. It can help to re-energize.
Repeat on other side
In this posture you are opening the rib cage, lengthening and flexing the spine, and elongating as well as stretching the neck muscles. It is great for people who tend to hold their tension in the neck! This posture also helps you with better overall standing posture. It helps to get rid of love handles and strengthens the side body.