Diet Matters…..It’s Not Just What You Put In Your Mouth


When a person says, “diet” matters, our mind goes immediately to Adkins, Paleo or the like.  Traditionally, the word diet has been used to convey a physical eating pattern. And on a similar note, when we say the word, “sick” our mind immediately brings up visions of flu’s, colds, or cancer, but again we are societally trained to think in terms of physicality. Diet Matters Diet, however, is not only what we consume as food, but also what we see, hear, feel and what we experience.  Sickness is merely the absence of health. It’s absence is not just in the body, but also in the mind and spirit due to the overall diet we are consuming.

Society is beginning to have a greater understanding of the concept of diet beyond physicality.  Quantum physics and holistic and alternative medicines are starting to make their way to mainstream life.  This is coming about partly due to the lack of results we are seeing today in conventional medicine.  When a person visits the doctor and finds out they have an illness, the focus then becomes getting the illness out of the body.  Whether the choice is to cut it out or to drug it out, or even to radiate it out, still only a very small percentage of people consider holistic or alternative medicine.  This is unfortunate, because chances are good that even if a patient is successful in conventional treatment, the root cause has still not been addressed and the disease has a high incidence of recurrence.  

Diet Matters and Dis-Ease

What if I told you that every disease begins at an energetic level.  Would that resonate with you?  What if I told you that right now you have cancer floating around in your body.  Would that scare you?  Both are the truth.  We have potential diseases in our bodies all the time.  Why then is everyone not sick?  It is because our bodies, under the right conditions, are perfectly capable of keeping these things in check.  Our bodies are capable of so much more than we actually give them credit for.  But true healing is more than just a physicality. It’s all about Diet Matters!

When dis-ease begins, it means that some negative energy is able to reproduce in our body. This disease reproduces to a point where we are able to see it or feel it as “symptoms.”  Symptoms are actually the body’s way of alleviating the dis-ease. Ultimately this means that our bodies are not functioning at their optimum level.  It means we have not been sleeping, we have been eating poorly, we are in a bad relationship, we are experiencing stress at work, we have not been exercising, we have not been maintaining our spiritual practices….or all of the above.  And it means that we have not been nourishing our body, mind and spirit in the ways necessary to stay connected to our source and be our most powerful self.  It means that we hold false beliefs about what and who we truly are.

Diet As a Metaphor

In order to demonstrate this cause and effect scenario let’s go ahead and use our physical diet as a metaphor.  When you you are hungry do you go to the local fast food place and get a sundae?  Let’s say you do.  What’s going to happen for you when you eat that sundae? 

First, the nutrient content in that sundae is low, or not nearly as high as say, a salad. 

Second, a sugar high and low is inevitable, as a result of the refined sugar and or high fructose corn syrup content. 

Third, you are exposing your body to a myriad of chemical compositions, dyes and preservatives, that the organs are going to have to work overtime to process. 

Fourth, you are consuming the equivalent of at least 1/4 maybe even 1/2 of the calories that the body needs to function in a whole day, thereby putting yourself in a position to eat more calories than you need to get proper nutrition, thereby causing fat storage.  Fat stores toxins in your body and causes the body to work harder.  All of this may seem rather extreme for one sundae, but as an every day occurrence, or even every few days, the effects can certainly add up.  

Now compare eating that sundae to having a few shots of tequila or repeatedly choosing to date people who make you feel good in the moment, but bad in the long term.  Compare it to being around negative people or opting out of your spiritual practice or meditation.  What about skipping your exercise routine or not having one? Maybe you could compare it to working at a job that causes you severe stress every day, or even being abused physically or emotionally and continuing to allow it. 

One Bad Habit Fosters Another

All of these conditions can cause the same energetic response in the system as the sundae, and what’s worse each one can feed the others.  That is, one bad habit tends to foster another.  For example, having eaten the sundae makes you feel sluggish.  Feeling sluggish makes you not want to exercise.  The dip in your energy from the sugar can weaken your body’s ability to deal with stress and sickness via your immune system.  The dominoes continue to fall.  So we see how important every decision actually is to our overall well-being. There are no small decisions.

Diet Matters and Vibration

Now let’s bring in the energy/vibration component. When one decision is better than another for us we could say that decision has a higher vibration in terms of energy.  This is what we mean when we refer to someone who has good “vibes,” or a place that has good energy.  The place or the person feels good because the vibration is good and it mirrors our own.  But we must be vigilant about what exactly we are mirroring within ourselves. 

If a person, a room, or a food makes us feel good in the right way, we should be able to walk away easily and happily. When your happiness does not waver when you walk away, then you know you chose something for the right reasons.  If, on the other hand, we leave the person, room, or food and then feel like we are missing something, then we are mirroring a part of ourselves that is currently incomplete. 

The attraction to a particular vibration is simply a signal that we need to look at a part of ourselves that is incomplete and possibly stifled by a false belief.  What is being mirrored when someone chooses something they consider unhealthy over something considered healthy?  Most likely they are feeding a part of themselves that holds a false belief.

The Belief Always Wins

Staying on a good “diet,” or making a decision we would consider healthy over a decision we would consider unhealthy, is not always as easy as just choosing. When the desire does not match the belief, the belief always wins. Buried, unconscious beliefs can sabotage our efforts. A deep seated false belief that we are unworthy or underserving of anything good makes it tougher to succeed in healthy choices over time. And those deep seated beliefs will continue to show up until we clear them. 

It is the job of our subconscious mind to continually attempt to make us whole.  Clearing false beliefs is the key to maintaining a healthy diet in body mind and spirit. Consistently making the best choices for ourselves will keep us on the right path. The path to living the life of our dreams.

There are many ways to pinpoint and clear false beliefs, hypnotherapy being one of the most effective. The most efficient way to affect a false belief is a method that will teach us techniques we can use for ourselves. This method will not make us reliant on an external source for our well-being. 

For more information on your Diet Matters, please contact me for your free consultation!

By Tammie Mohn