What, How and When Should I Eat?
Confused about food, what to eat, and when and how to eat it? Join most of America, if not the world! There are just as many opinions on this subject as there are people. And many people are putting their voices out there to let you know what works for them. That turns out to be a really awesome benefit for you. Because you can use that information. You can used it to educate the only one who knows the “right” way for you to eat – that is you!

As usual in my approach, I want to help you by Empowering You to make the right food choices. The right food choices are the ones that work for you and your body. Your right food choices will not be the same ones that are right for me. And that is perfectly understandable….because we are different people with different needs, different body structures and different tastes.
So if you are confused about food, my advice to you is to ask every single question you have. The information is out there. There will be many different answers to your questions. And after gathering all of that information, you get to choose the one that works best for you!
I am going to share with you some information I have gathered over the years, and some of the concepts that work well for me and my family. Remember that these are my personal experiences. I invite you to take what works for you and throw the rest out!
Foods and Polarities
The first concept I would like to discuss is polarity. As you know we are living on this polarized planet where all that is created, is created due to polarities. Light and dark, good and bad, happy and sad, none can exist without its opposite. You may be wondering how this concept applies to food and eating. And I am here to explain.
Our first key to understanding the state of our health is our likes and dislikes. For example, if you are craving meat, that means something. If you are craving sugar, that means something as well. If you have a certain aversion to a kind of food or the smell of a food, that means something too. As we move through our journey to become healthy, it is wise to note these individual food preferences. It is not necessarily of utmost importance to understand why we have them, but important to note that we DO have them.
Like and dislike, as you know, are polarities. And one of the keys to understand what we are creating in our bodies with our food, is looking in depth at our likes and dislikes. For example, if we really like sugar we can use that information to help us understand our body, and, therefore, provide our body with a new, healthier way to meet the need that the sugar is meeting.
As we discussed previously, all health issues begin on an energetic level, as we are energetic beings, but we can often times create simultaneous changes in our spirit and body that will bring us to a whole new level. For example, if we are doing hypnotherapy in order to address our false belief of “not loved,” and at the same time we crave sugar, it could be true that we are altering our chemical structure with the sugar in order to feel love. Or perhaps that we are using the sugar to quell the uncomfortable feelings associated with not having love.
Changing on two fronts, mind and body, the false belief and the sugar habit, creates an extremely powerful energetic vibrational change in the body and spirit. Inherent in this powerful change is the greater likelihood that the change will be permanent.
In general there are some other food polarity observations I have made. Some are covered here and many will be covered in detail in future writings.
The Polarities of Vegetarian and Carnivore
Meat is grounding and earthy, while living food is lifting and light. And there is no judgment in my writings, simply observation. I do not see it as part of my job to tell others what is right or wrong to eat, but simply to point out my own observations. Meat is closer to the earth, more closely associated with materialism and being in the body. At the same time, living plants, which I would consider meat’s opposite polarity, are living, and spirit enhancing. Both qualities can be important, as being either too in the spirit or too in the body can be challenging. Climate is also an important consideration. Warmer climates require less stored food and have more plant food available. In colder climates we use more energy warming our bodies, which may require denser food.
Foods and Vibration
Our food and digestion is susceptible to vibration. When we are happy and content our food is better digested than when we are angry or sad. If you have an experience with the water experiments by Dr. Masaru Emoto, you know that water takes on the vibration of that which is around it or projected toward it. Food is no different, and does obviously contain a certain amount of water. So it is wise to eat our food when we are feeling content, happy and grateful.
Blessing our food, or sending positive vibrational energy to it through prayer or otherwise, can help to enhance the nutrients that we receive. Also when we eat in a positive, relaxed frame of mind, our digestion is working at its best. When we are stressed or using a lot of physical energy our body is prioritizing energy, and taking potential digestive energy to other places. When the food is not digested properly it can cause gas, bloating and poor nutrient absorption. So it is wise to make sure we eat in an environment feels good.
These are just a couple of tips for your eating pleasure. I will be posting many more articles, recipes and even videos and podcasts on my youtube channel. Please sign up to receive updates and/or follow my youtube channel.
For more information about how hypnotherapy could help you kick a habit or start a good one, please contact me for your free consultation or visit my recording sight to find a hypnotic programming recording that works for you.
Happy Eating!