To get into Tadasana – Mountain pose, first, mind your alignment. Place your feet on the mat no further than hip distance apart. Spread your toes wide and try to distribute your weight in an even manner. Keep your knees slightly bent while engaging your thigh muscles. Lift out of your pelvic area, open the chest, pull your shoulders back and relax the tops of your shoulders. Lengthen the back of the neck and press the crown of your head toward the ceiling. Palms are facing outward or inward per your preference, and breath is steady, deep and even, breathing into and out of the belly. For greater lengthening stretch your arms up by your ears as your fingers reach of the sky.
Tadasana – Mountain is a foundational yoga posture. It is the basis and starting position for many other postures, including Sun Salutation. This pose is also very beneficial.
It’s benefits include lengthening of the spine and/or creating space between the vertebrae, strengthening the thighs, and helping to align posture.
You can use this asana after sitting or bending over for long periods of time, It assists in restoring balance to the body, calming the mind, and taking a break from whatever it is that was stressing you out!