To enter VRKSASANA – TREE POSE, start at the front of your mat in a standing position. As you inhale, lengthen your spine while bringing one knee up toward your chest with both hands. Turn the knee outward toward the wall and rest the sole of the foot along the inside of the left leg. You can rest the foot on the inside of the calf or up higher on the thigh. Hands can be placed in prayer position or above the head.
When you are ready grab your big toe with your index and middle fingers and extend the leg as far as you can. It is ok to have a slight bend in the standing knee. If you cannot extend your leg all the way do not worry, because it will come. Be where you are. Hold this balance for 6 – 12 breaths and repeat on the other side. When you have conquered the foot straight out in front, challenge yourself to open your hip and guide the foot out to the side while maintaining your balance. Move your opposite arm as necessary to help maintain balance if you wish.
If you are practicing your balancing postures, another good one to try is Hand to Big Toe!
The extended hand to big toe pose strengthens the legs, thighs, knees, and ankles and improves balance. This yoga pose also stretches the back of the legs and the inner thigh. It boosts concentration and focus.