4 Yoga Postures for Daily Health
Yoga is great way to reduce stress and keep your body energy and systems flowing properly. Not everyone practices yoga in the same way, but everyone can practice yoga. Practicing yoga doesn’t necessarily mean getting your mat, putting on the latest yoga fashions and heading to the studio. On the contrary, it can be done anywhere, and just about any time. Here are 4 yoga postures. These postures are easy to practice and will keep you flowing.
- Just Breathe
Although not a posture per se, breath is one of the most important parts of yoga, and one of the most important parts of our lives. Not only is our breath constantly working to eliminate toxins from our body, but our deep breaths tend to have a calming, centering effect that help us keep our feet on the ground. Our body’s tendency in a stressful situation is to release adrenalin, speeding up blood flow and heart rate causing more shallow and frequent breaths.The problem is, that our body doesn’t seem to know the difference between an argument with our spouse, and being chased by a hungry man-eating lion. That’s when our mind needs to take over and control the breath.
The next time you find yourself stressed or in a sticky situation, notice your breath. Make a conscious effort to take deep breaths, all the way into your belly, until you can feel the wave of calm wash over you. This act will not only take your mind off the current conflict, helping to calm and relax you, but also, hopefully, bring your heart rate a little closer to normal, allowing you to respond in a calm, compassionate manner. For detailed information on yoga breathing, check out this free audiobook recorded by me! - Tadasana – Mountain
Stand with your feet flat on the floor no further than hip distance apart. your weight evenly while taking care to keep your knees soft.Pull your navel, as if your were trying to pull it back to your spine, keeping your thigh muscles active. Open your shoulders by pulling them back. Then squeeze them together, while at the same time relaxing them and letting them drop. Lengthen the back of your neck and try to imagine the crown of your head being pulled up by a string above your head. Inhale your arms up and out to the side facing your palms toward one another over your head, and hold for as long as is comfortable, then exhale your arms down to your sides, palms facing forward. Repeat as many times as you wish.
This posture is one of the easiest, yet most useful yoga postures, and is probably one that you do every single morning. It will help to create space in your body through your spine and neck, helping you to improve your posture. - Uttanasana – Standing Forward Bend
Beginning in Tadasana, Mountain, exhale your arms down by your side then down toward the floor while keeping your back line straight with no rounding. Press your belly to your thighs. Make sure your neck is straight as well, and your head is aligned with your spine.Bend your knees if necessary. Stay in the posture for as many breaths as you wish, then inhale yourself up to standing, extending your arms out to the sides, bending knees and taking care to keep the spine straight.
This pose stretches muscles in the backs of the legs while stimulating the digestive, nervous an endocrine systems. It is contraindicated for hip, back or shoulder injuries, osteoporosis and scoliosis. - Vrksasana – Tree.
From a standing position bend your right knee. Then bring the sole of your foot somewhere along your left leg (ankle, calf or thigh). Try to press the foot into the thigh and the thigh into the foot.You can also keep your toes on the floor if that is most comfortable. Bring your hands to a comfortable position. You could use a prayer mudra in front of your chest or over your head. Try to pick a point in front of you for focus to help you balance. Hold for as long as desired then repeat on the other side.
This is a balancing posture. By practicing a balancing posture we can bring balance to our body, mind and spirit. This will help us through our day. This posture also helps in strengthening legs.
You can accomplish each of these easy to practice poses even without a mat. Therefore, you can practice in the morning, at work or in the evening…better yet, all three! For a more in depth practice I would highly recommend a visit to your local yoga studio.
For more information on yoga postures, how to practice and the benefits, please visit my Yoga and Hypno-Yoga page.
Tammie Mohn, RYT, CChT, MBA, CPA
August 27, 2020