For ARDHA SARVANGASANA – HALF SHOULDER STAND, begin by laying flat on your back on the mat, palms facing down. Inhale. Upon exhaling bend your knees, bring your legs up toward the stomach, engaging the core and pressing into the hands. Press into the palms bringing the hips off the floor, then move the hands to hips , elbows bent, thumbs pointing outward, fingers and palms supporting the lower back on both sides of the spine. Exhale, allowing the weight of the body to be supported by the hands. On the next inhale play with straightening the legs. Toes are pointed up, legs stretching toward the sky. Keep the spine lengthened and mind the neck. There should be no discomfort.
This is an inverted pose. All inverted poses that place the heart below the body help to detoxify the system, aiding in digestion. Inversion also stimulates the lymphatic system, aiding the body’s immune response. It also improves circulation to the brain.
Shoulder stand strengthens the upper back, shoulders and neck. This pose also aids in soothing the nervous system for those suffering from irritation or anxiety. If one suffers from swollen legs gravity can help to remove excess fluids.
Suggested next pose: Knee to Chest or Plow Pose.