For JANU SIRSASANA – HEAD TO KNEE, from a seated position with one leg extended directly in front of you and the sole of your other foot along the inside of the thigh of the extended leg. Flex the foot of the extended leg. Square yourself to center while engaging your core. Take a deep breath in, arms coming up overhead, palms facing each other, lengthening the spine. As you exhale keep your spine lengthened, relax your shoulders, and bend forward, extending toward the toes. Once you have reached a comfortable edge, relax your arms, bringing them down to your toes, calves, ankles, or shins. Hold for several breaths, then bring your hands out overhead once again, lengthening the spine and inhale to an upright position. Repeat on the other side.
Head to knee stretches the hamstrings, shoulders and groin. It also helps to strengthen the back muscles and the core. This pose also helps to stimulate the digestive organs by placing pressure on the stomach and kidneys. Through encouraging circulation this pose will help with blood pressure and tends to have a calming affect on the body and mind.
A recommendation for your next posture would be the Posterior Stretch.