Fort URDHVA DHANURASANA – WHEEL, begin in a supine pose lying on your back. Bend the knees, and put the feet flat on the floor.  Place your palms above your shoulders on the mat, fingers facing the shoulders.  Inhale pressing into the palms and feet, lifting the tail bone from the mat drawing the hips toward the ceiling.  Push your inner thighs toward one another. Spread your shoulder blades and let your head hang or lift it slightly to look down at the floor. Make sure your elbows are in line with our wrists and straighten your arms as much as possible.  Breathe for a few breaths expanding, stretching and
pushing your hips up on the inhale, relaxing on the exhale.   

Once the pose is released counter this pose with a forward bend, a sitting head toe, or by drawing the knees to the chest.  This will feel amazing!


For an advanced variation of this pose you could bring your forearms down to the ground for a greater stretch. Be careful to honor your spine and neck. Do not go any further than you are comfortable.


For another advanced variation You can lift one leg up to increase strength in the legs and arms.

This pose opens the heart energy center, unleashing the power of love, kindness, and happiness.  It balances the nervous system, energizes the body, stimulates the thyroid, stretches and strengthens the back muscles and vertebrae, opens the lungs, promotes weight loss, loosens the hips, strengthens the arm and shoulder muscles and opens up the chest.